The Damned United (2009) is a British sports drama film based on the novel by David Peace. Directed by Tom Hooper, the movie chronicles the controversial and short-lived tenure of Brian Clough as the manager of Leeds United Football Club in 1974. Known for his brash confidence and outspoken nature, Clough clashes with players and staff while attempting to impose his own style of management on a team previously shaped by his rival, Don Revie.
The film delves into Clough's tumultuous career, highlighting his complex relationships, professional ambitions, and personal struggles. It also flashes back to his successful time managing Derby County, contrasting his rise to prominence with the challenges he faces at Leeds. Michael Sheen delivers a compelling performance as Clough, capturing his fiery passion and vulnerability.
With themes of rivalry, ego, and redemption, The Damned United is as much a character study as it is a story about football, offering an engaging glimpse into the intense world of English soccer in the 1970s.
The Damned United (2009) is a British sports drama film that delves into the tumultuous 44-day tenure of Brian Clough as the manager of Leeds United, one of England's top football teams, in 1974. Directed by Tom Hooper and based on David Peace's novel of the same name, the movie offers a mix of fact and fiction to explore Clough's controversial personality and his complex relationships.
The film alternates between Clough's rise to fame managing Derby County and his disastrous stint at Leeds United. Known for his arrogance and outspoken nature, Clough inherits a Leeds team built by his rival, Don Revie, whose defensive and aggressive playing style he despises. Determined to reshape the team in his vision, Clough alienates the players, staff, and fans with his brash criticism of Revie's legacy.
Flashbacks reveal Clough's earlier success at Derby County alongside his loyal assistant, Peter Taylor. Together, they lead Derby to glory, including promotion to the First Division and a league title, despite clashes with the club's board. However, Clough's growing ego and a fallout with Taylor ultimately lead to his downfall.
At Leeds, Clough's inability to connect with the players and his confrontational approach result in his swift dismissal. The movie concludes with Clough reconciling with Taylor, setting the stage for their later success at Nottingham Forest, where they would achieve legendary status.
The film is praised for Michael Sheen's portrayal of Clough, capturing his charisma and complexities, and its authentic depiction of 1970s football culture.
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