Heleno (2011) is a Brazilian biographical drama directed by José Henrique Fonseca, chronicling the life and career of Heleno de Freitas, one of Brazil’s most talented and controversial soccer players during the 1940s. Played by Rodrigo Santoro, Heleno is portrayed as a charismatic yet deeply flawed individual whose brilliance on the field was matched by his turbulent personal life.

The film captures Heleno’s rise as a star player for Botafogo, his unrelenting ambition, and his self-destructive tendencies, including a volatile temper, womanizing, and struggles with substance abuse. Despite his immense talent, Heleno's life spirals into tragedy due to his deteriorating health and battles with mental illness, leading to his eventual decline and isolation.

Shot in black and white, *Heleno* evokes the glamour and melancholy of its era, with a moody, noir-like aesthetic that underscores the drama of Heleno’s life. It is a poignant exploration of the price of fame, the fragility of human potential, and the complexities of a flawed genius.

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