The Keeper (2018), also known as Trautmann, is a biographical drama film directed by Marcus H. Rosenmüller. It tells the inspiring true story of Bert Trautmann, a German soldier and prisoner of war who becomes a legendary goalkeeper for Manchester City in post-World War II England.

Plot Summary:

The film follows Trautmann's journey from a German POW camp in England to football stardom. While in the camp, Trautmann's exceptional goalkeeping talent is discovered by Jack Friar, the manager of a local amateur football team. Despite widespread hostility due to Trautmann's German background, Friar gives him a chance to play for the team, where he impresses on the field.

Trautmann faces immense prejudice from fans and teammates alike, given his wartime association with the German military. However, his performances gradually win them over. He falls in love with Margaret Friar, Jack's daughter, and the two marry despite facing opposition from Margaret’s family and community.

Trautmann's career reaches its peak when he signs with Manchester City, where he earns fame for his incredible goalkeeping skills. The film's emotional climax comes during the 1956 FA Cup final, where Trautmann continues playing despite suffering a severe neck injury, later revealed to be a broken vertebra. His courage and determination make him a symbol of reconciliation and resilience.


The film explores themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of sports to bridge divides. It highlights Trautmann’s personal struggles to overcome his past as a German soldier and gain acceptance in a war-scarred England.


The Keeper received praise for its heartfelt storytelling, David Kross's performance as Trautmann, and its depiction of post-war tensions and reconciliation through the lens of sport.

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