Kicking It (2008) is a powerful documentary directed by Susan Koch and narrated by Colin Farrell. The film delves into the inspiring world of the Homeless World Cup, an international soccer tournament that brings together individuals experiencing homelessness from around the globe.

The documentary follows the journeys of six players from different countries—Afghanistan, Ireland, the U.S., Spain, Kenya, and Russia—as they prepare to compete in the 2006 Homeless World Cup in Cape Town, South Africa. Each participant has a unique and often harrowing backstory, including struggles with addiction, war, poverty, and social exclusion. Despite their challenges, soccer serves as a beacon of hope, offering them a sense of purpose, camaraderie, and an opportunity to change their lives.

*Kicking It* captures the transformative power of sport, highlighting its ability to foster dignity, self-worth, and connection. Through emotional and uplifting moments, the film sheds light on the broader issues of homelessness while celebrating the resilience and humanity of those who find strength in soccer. It's a poignant and inspiring tale of perseverance and redemption.

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