Escape to Victory (1981) is a sports war drama set during World War II, directed by John Huston. The film follows Allied prisoners of war who are coerced into playing a propaganda football match against a German team. Led by former football star Captain John Colby (Michael Caine), the POWs assemble a team featuring talented players, including an American, Hatch (Sylvester Stallone), and real-life football legends like Pelé and Bobby Moore.
As the match approaches, the players use it as an opportunity to plan a daring escape. However, when the game begins, their love for football takes center stage. The POWs fight for both their freedom and their pride on the field, ultimately uniting in a thrilling climax.
Blending sports action with wartime drama, Escape to Victory is a gripping tale of resilience, teamwork, and the unifying power of football.
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