Zidane: A 21st Century Portrait (2006) is a unique sports documentary directed by Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno. It provides an intimate and unconventional portrayal of French football legend Zinedine Zidane.

Filmed during a single match on April 23, 2005, between Zidane's team, Real Madrid, and Villarreal in La Liga, the documentary uses 17 synchronized cameras to focus solely on Zidane throughout the game. The film eschews traditional commentary or analysis, instead offering a meditative experience that captures his movements, expressions, and emotions in real-time.

Accompanied by a soundtrack from Scottish band Mogwai, the documentary contrasts the mundane and extraordinary moments of Zidane's performance, highlighting his artistry, intensity, and enigmatic presence on the field. It culminates in a dramatic turn when Zidane is sent off with a red card, providing a raw and unfiltered glimpse into his complex character.

The film is both a celebration of Zidane's genius and a contemplative exploration of the nature of sport, individuality, and spectacle in the modern age.

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