The Soccer Football Movie (2022) is an animated sports comedy film directed by Mitch Schauer. Released on Netflix, the movie is a fun and whimsical take on the world of soccer, featuring exaggerated versions of real-life players Zlatan Ibrahimović and Megan Rapinoe, alongside comedian Will Forte voicing the antagonist.

Plot Summary:

The story follows four young soccer superfans who idolize their heroes, Zlatan and Megan. The fans discover a sinister plot by a mad scientist, who steals the players' talent using an evil potion to exact revenge on the sport. As Zlatan and Megan lose their abilities, the superfans band together to stop the villain and save their idols.

Through a mix of comedy, adventure, and heartwarming teamwork, the fans must use their soccer knowledge and determination to outwit the antagonist and restore the players' legendary skills.


The movie touches on themes of friendship, teamwork, and the love of soccer. It celebrates the joy of fandom and the power of determination in the face of adversity.


While geared toward a younger audience, The Soccer Football Movie received praise for its humor, vibrant animation, and playful take on the sport. It appeals to soccer fans and families alike, offering a lighthearted and entertaining experience.

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