Foosball (original title: *Metegol*), released in 2014, is an Argentine animated film directed by Juan José Campanella. This family-friendly adventure tells the story of Amadeo, a shy but talented foosball player from a small village. Amadeo's peaceful life takes a dramatic turn when Ace, a local bully turned international soccer superstar, returns to the village seeking revenge for a childhood defeat. Ace challenges Amadeo to a high-stakes soccer match with the fate of the town hanging in the balance.
To his surprise, Amadeo discovers that the foosball players from his table come to life, each with unique personalities and abilities. Together, they form a team to help Amadeo face Ace and his formidable team of professionals.
The film combines humor, heart, and thrilling soccer action with themes of friendship, teamwork, and believing in oneself. Featuring stunning animation and an engaging story, *Foosball* captures the magic of soccer in a whimsical and inspiring way. It became a global hit and was praised for its creativity and universal appeal.
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