Ladybugs (1992) is a sports comedy film centered around Chester Lee (Rodney Dangerfield), a man desperate to earn a promotion at work. To impress his boss, he agrees to coach a struggling girls' soccer team called the Ladybugs, despite having no experience. To give the team a competitive edge, Chester convinces his fiancée's talented soccer-playing son, Matthew (Jonathan Brandis), to disguise himself as a girl and join the team under the alias "Martha."

Chaos and humor ensue as Chester juggles the pressures of coaching, Matthew struggles to maintain his disguise, and the mismatched team learns to come together. In the end, teamwork and determination lead the Ladybugs to success, proving that heart and effort matter more than winning. The film combines slapstick comedy with heartfelt moments, typical of Dangerfield's comedic style.

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