When Saturday Comes (1996) is a British sports drama that tells the story of Jimmy Muir (Sean Bean), a working-class brewery worker in Sheffield with a natural talent for football but a self-destructive lifestyle. Despite his dreams of playing professionally, Jimmy struggles with personal issues, including a lack of confidence, a toxic family environment, and his tendency to drink excessively.
His fortunes begin to change when a local amateur coach recognizes his talent and encourages him to take football seriously. Jimmy earns a trial with his beloved Sheffield United, but his journey is fraught with setbacks as he battles his inner demons and the skepticism of those around him. With the support of his girlfriend, Annie (Emily Lloyd), and his determination to rise above his circumstances, Jimmy fights to prove himself and fulfill his dream of becoming a professional footballer.
The film is a gritty, emotional tale of ambition, redemption, and the power of perseverance, set against the backdrop of working-class Northern England and the passion of English football.
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