La Pena Máxima (2001) is a Colombian comedy-drama directed by Jorge Echeverry. The film follows Mariano Concha (Enrique Carriazo), an obsessive football fan whose life revolves entirely around the sport. Mariano's passion reaches a fever pitch during the qualifying matches for the FIFA World Cup, where Colombia's national team must win to secure their spot.
As he becomes increasingly consumed by his fanaticism, Mariano’s personal and professional life begins to unravel. His obsession strains his relationships, particularly with his family and coworkers, as he prioritizes football over everything else. The film balances humor with heartfelt moments, offering a satirical look at the extreme lengths some fans go to for their beloved sport.
La Pena Máxima is both a love letter and a critique of football culture, exploring themes of passion, identity, and the sometimes absurd devotion of sports fans, all set against the vibrant backdrop of Colombian society.
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