"Goals for Girls: A Story of Women with Balls" is a 2014 documentary that tells the inspiring story of a group of teenage girls from a poor neighborhood in Buenos Aires, Argentina, who form a soccer team as a way to challenge societal norms and overcome personal struggles. Directed by Ginger Gentile and Gabriel Balanovsky, the film delves into themes of gender equality, empowerment, and the transformative power of sports.

The documentary follows the team's journey, highlighting their passion for soccer and the obstacles they face in a male-dominated culture that often discourages women from participating in sports. Through candid interviews, emotional moments, and footage of their matches, the film portrays the girls' determination to defy stereotypes, build self-confidence, and pursue their dreams.

*Goals for Girls* is a heartwarming and empowering story that celebrates resilience, teamwork, and the universal language of soccer, proving that sports can be a powerful tool for social change and personal growth.

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