"Maracanã" is a 2014 Uruguayan documentary directed by Sebastián Bednarik and Andrés Varela. The film chronicles one of the most iconic moments in soccer history: the 1950 FIFA World Cup final, famously known as the "Maracanazo."
It tells the story of how Uruguay's national team triumphed against all odds to defeat Brazil in the final match at Rio de Janeiro's Maracanã Stadium, a victory that stunned the host nation and the world. Through interviews, archival footage, and historical context, the documentary delves into the build-up to the game, the strategies employed by Uruguay's coach Juan López and captain Obdulio Varela, and the emotional aftermath of the match.
*Maracanã* not only celebrates Uruguay's historic win but also examines the cultural and psychological impact of the event on both Uruguay and Brazil, capturing the passion, drama, and legacy of a defining moment in soccer history.
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