Third Half (Treto poluvreme, 1962) is a Macedonian drama directed by Kiril Cenevski that weaves a poignant tale of love, sports, and resistance during World War II. Set in the early 1940s in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the film follows the story of Kosta, a talented but rebellious football player, and Rebecca, the Jewish daughter of a wealthy banker.

As their love blossoms amidst the political tensions of the time, Rebecca’s family disapproves of their relationship due to Kosta's humble background. Meanwhile, Kosta’s football team becomes a symbol of resistance when it faces a German team in a high-stakes match. The game becomes more than just a sport—it turns into a fight for dignity and survival against the backdrop of Nazi occupation and the persecution of Jews.

The film combines elements of romance, drama, and sports, with powerful commentary on themes of love, class, identity, and defiance in the face of oppression. Third Half is celebrated for its emotional depth and its portrayal of football as a unifying force in tumultuous times.

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