Días de Gracia (Days of Grace, 2011) is a Mexican crime thriller directed by Everardo Gout. The film weaves together three interrelated stories of crime, violence, and survival in Mexico City, set against the backdrop of three separate FIFA World Cup tournaments: 2002, 2006, and 2010.

The narrative explores themes of corruption, desperation, and resilience as it follows a police officer, a kidnapping victim, and a housewife, each grappling with the pervasive violence that defines their lives. The film highlights how their choices and fates are intricately connected, creating a tense, multi-layered tale.

With a non-linear storytelling approach, *Días de Gracia* uses the World Cup as a symbolic framework, contrasting the unity and excitement of soccer with the darker realities of society. The movie is known for its gritty realism, intense performances, and a pulsating soundtrack featuring collaborations from artists like Nick Cave, Atticus Ross, and Shigeru Umebayashi.

*Días de Gracia* is both a compelling thriller and a powerful social commentary, offering a raw, unflinching look at the struggles of modern urban life in Mexico.

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